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Dunham's Donation Request

We, at Dunham’s, contribute to many causes (including PHIT America), but are only able to support a small fraction of the massive number of requests received. Only those organizations whose requests have been approved within 10 weeks of submission will be contacted.

If you have not heard from us within 10 weeks of your submission, this means, unfortunately, that we were unable to approve your request.

We will consider requests from teams and organized sports leagues as well as organizations that participate in outdoor activities, as well as local charities that encourage an active and healthy lifestyle.

We are NOT able to respond to requests from:

  • Endowment funds or memorials
  • For-Profit ventures
  • Individuals (fellowships, scholarships, stipends etc.)
  • Political causes or campaigns
  • Religious groups for religious purposes
  • Requests where we do not have a Dunham’s store location within 20 miles
  • Additionally, we cannot assist with cash donations or sponsorships.

Note: For a donation request, please allow a minimum of ten (10) weeks to receive a response from us.