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Black Rifle Coffee Co Blackbeard's Delight Coffee Roast

no. S0005834585
4.2 out of 5 Customer Rating
This Item Available for In-Store Purchase
  • Availability as of 3/27/2025
    In Stock
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Product Information
Product Details
On a dark, moonless night, Edward Teach visited BRCC in a dream.
He told them that the success of BRCC depends on the development of a Blackbeard roast, or he would haunt the company till the day they joined him in Davy Jones' Locker. So BRCC decided that it was intheir best interest not to anger the ghost of Blackbeard, so here it is! Pick up your Blackbeard's Delight Roast today, made from 100% Brazilian beans.
  • Dark Roast: Brings a more heavy body and richer flavor with lower acidity
  • 12 OZ