At Dunham’s Sports, we want to give you the best price, and the best experience for you when you are hunting, or practicing shooting sports. We have the brands that you trust for your ammunition and the best price, whether you are an experienced or just starting. Learn more about the best ammunition to use.
Different Types of Ammunition for Firearms
Black Powder Ammunition:
Black Powder Ammunition is used primarily for muzzleloaders. This is when black powder is used to push a propellant/projectile after it is sparked. It is a low explosive material that is typically comprised of potassium nitrate, sulfur and charcoal. Due to the low velocity of using black powder ammunition when hunting, hunters typically have to get close to the game they are hunting.
Centerfire Ammunition:
Centerfire Ammunition refers to the metallic outer casing of the ammunition, where the primer is located in the center of the casing base. This type of ammunition is used for rifles, handguns and shotguns. It is good for all game and shooting sports, and can handle large game hunting and long-range capabilities.
Handgun Ammunition:
There are many different types of handgun ammunition available. All depend on the shooting sport you are performing. Full Metal Jacket hand gun ammunition is common, and is a general purpose bullet with a hard outer shell and soft metal interior. It is good for target practice. 9mm is the common caliber for handgun ammunition.
Rimfire Ammunition:
Rimfire Ammunition uses a metallic cartridge with a primer in the rim of the casing base. It is a common type of ammunition, and is primarily used for small game hunting and target practice. It is also common for many styles of firearms. It provides low pressure, low bullet weight with low recoil.
Shotgun Shells:
Shotgun Shells are very versatile and common for many hunting and shooting sports. There are three main types of shotgun shells: birdshot, buckshot and slugs. Birdshot is good for hunting fowls, and consists of many small pellets. Buckshot is good for mid-sized game, like deer and uses fewer, larger pellets. Slugs are good when hunting mid-sized to big game, and uses one large projectile.