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Rawlings JR- Z5 2.0 Matte 2-Tone Batting Helmet

no. S0007698178
4 out of 5 Customer Rating
JR- Z5 2.0 Matte 2-Tone B
Color: White/Black
This Item Available for In-Store Purchase
  • Availability as of 3/14/2025
    In Stock
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Product Information
Product Details
The high-impact resistant ABS Thermoplastic Shell has been engineered for maximum protection, while
the padded dual-density foam liner works to absorb shock on impact.
  • The Z5 2.0 padding features a BioDri inner liner to keep players dry and cool, and the wrapped ear
  • pads add extra comfort as well as prevent wear and tear throughout the season.
  • A fresh new look and meets the NOCSAE standard for all levels of play.