Trophy Ridge 4-Banger Quiver image number 0
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Trophy Ridge 4-Banger Quiver

no. S0006539787
5 out of 5 Customer Rating
This Item Available for In-Store Purchase
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Product Details
The Trophy Ridge 4-Banger Quiver is a sleek, modern quiver that is ideal for both hunters and targetshooters. It uses dual arrow grippers to keep your ammunition secured in place while still remainingsimple to draw. This archery bow accessory can be used with fixed or mechanical broadhead arrows. Itcomes with three different types of mounting brackets to help you attach it to a variety of bow
designs. The Trophy Ridge quiver also has a special sound-reducing rubber hood to help you remain quiet when out hunting. Its quick-detach lever-lock system makes it easy to remove the quiver from
your bow.
  • Can be used with fixed or mechanical broad heads
  • Uses dual arrow grippers to keep your ammunition secure
  • Includes 3 types of mounting brackets to custom fit your bow
  • Has a special sound-reducing rubber hood to help you remain quiet when out hunting.
  • Sound-reducing rubber hood helps you stay silent